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发表时间:2020-09-14 09:58:15 资料来源:人和时代 作者:CRT标识设计公司




The new concept sign triggers many positive developments

I heard that these issues are very necessary. The public spaces in the city that we are seeing now, not only art galleries, but also museums, cultural centers, theaters, gymnasiums, and even public squares, have all been homogenized in the traditional sense. The dominance of cultural concepts reflects the norms and standards of that kind of public culture, which leads to the incomplete representation and identity of diverse cultural groups in the public domain. Only in the new century, the traditional cultural concept has gradually replaced a cultural concept with all the differences. In the world, minority groups have always been white. European society sees it as a problem that has to be faced. The essence of the problem is. The newly established culture continues to demand.

Europe had to deal with the relationship between mainstream culture and cultural signs of minority groups. Therefore, at that time, facing the focus of minority group culture, 17 problems and difficulties brought to the entire cultural order. And what measures can the government take to solve or control these problems? By the end of the 11th century, people directly began to realize that a simple minority of Australian dollar withholding methods could not truly understand the differences and complexity of culture. Such a simple framework of understanding requires a new conceptual awareness. In the new cultural context, diversity has achieved minority groups and has become an understanding of the differences in European cultural signs. The new conceptual framework immediately triggered a lot of positive developments. First of all, people had to take cultural diversity again.



