序号 | 类别 | 标识名称 |
1 | 品牌调研和品牌导向 | 项目调查 |
2 | 项目咨询 | |
3 | 项目研究分析 | |
4 | 视觉导视和布局分析 | 导视系统人行动线分布点 |
5 | 导视系统户外车行动线分布点 | |
6 | 配合园区文化的导视整体风格策划和设计 | |
7 | 标志设计 | 核心辅助图形提炼、设计以及衍生 |
8 | 辅助图形使用规范 | |
9 | 园区室内导视 | 大楼各楼层平面图 |
10 | 电梯间楼层指引 | |
11 | 楼梯间楼层指引 | |
12 | 楼层号牌,紧急出口指示 | |
13 | 贴墙式通道指示牌 | |
14 | 温馨公益标语牌 | |
15 | 公共安全标识牌 | |
16 | 对于所有的款式进行施工图设计 | |
17 | 在比选人需要时指导制作公司完成所有产品的制作、安装 | |
18 | 园区户外导视 | 楼顶大字 |
19 | 总平图(含园区介绍) | |
20 | 行人、车辆出入口指示 | |
21 | 禁止通行标识 | |
22 | 警示标识 | |
23 | 草地环保牌 | |
24 | 园区出入口处标识 | |
25 | 各个主要区域标识牌 | |
26 | 落地式分流标识牌 | |
27 | 停车场指示牌 | |
28 | 对于所有的款式进行施工图设计 | |
29 | 在比选人需要时指导制作公司完成所有产品的制作、安装 | |
30 | 园区地下停车场导视设计 | 停车场色彩规划 |
31 | 停车场区域划分 | |
32 | 地面标号设计(停车车库标号) | |
33 | 柱面标号(区域标号) | |
34 | 墙面标号(区域标号) | |
35 | 特殊车位设计(充电/女性/无障碍车位) | |
36 | 吊牌式方向指引 | |
37 | 墙面方向指引 | |
38 | 柱面方向指引 | |
39 | 电梯厅设计 | |
40 | 安全警示(三款) | |
41 | 对于所有的款式进行施工图设计 | |
42 | 在比选人需要时指导制作公司完成所有产品的制作、安装 |
International Biomedical Engineering Industry Accelerator Logo List Provides Results
1. The selected candidate should submit the industrial accelerator guide system plan for the candidate. The plan should include but not limited to the industrial accelerator public area, the crowd in the parking lot, the vehicle action route and analysis; the core brand analysis of the industrial accelerator and the style positioning of each group; industry Accelerator guide device, logo, logo layout planning; guide system functional icon design; display logo, sign material, size and specifications involved in the plan; display logo, sign font, font size, color limitation, and plan involved in the plan Relevant content such as display logos, signage layout specifications, etc.; future logo installation specifications for enterprises in the park.
2. According to the content of the contract, the comparer and the winner will conduct a joint inspection and acceptance. When the acceptance requirements are met, the comparer will sign the acceptance certificate.
3. If the acceptance is unqualified, the counterparty of the comparison party will communicate with the counterparty of the selected counterparty. After the counterparty of the selected counterparty receives the modification opinions of the comparison party, it shall immediately make amendments according to the time limit specified by the comparison party until the acceptance is qualified.
Attachment: "Chengdu Tianfu International Biomedical Engineering Industry Accelerator Mark List"